Hot STM Labs

Fast STM


Fig. 1 An early image of the Si(111)-7 X 7 reconstructed surface taken in vacuum by the Fast STM. Size= 600 × 600 Å ; Scan Rate= 81,840 Å/s..

Motivation to Build a High Speed STM
For almost any application of an STM, increased speed is a definite advantage. In the case of data storage/recall, increasing the speed brings the processes one step closer to being commercially applicable; the same holds for nanolithography. In our realm of interest, here at the Hot STM Labs, increased speed means we can study surface dynamics at elevated temperatures with better time resolution. As the scanning rate approaches the rates of fundamental processes (particle diffusion, nucleation, etc.) we become capable of actually capturing these processes in real time movies. In particular, we have developed this tool for studying the complexities of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) growth.

Mechanical Design of High Speed STM
In developing a high speed STM two tricky issues had to be addressed: how to make the tip’s elevation above the sample (it’s Z position) responsive to the rapidly changing topology over which it scans, and how to avoid operating in resonance with the apparatus. Addressing the latter issue, we chose the materials (high stiffness & low mass) and dimensions (small) of our mechanics so as to push the resonance frequency above our scan frequency. As for the first issue, we have followed the prescription of H. J. Mamin et al, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 161 1994, and split the Z-scanning task in half.

Dual Scan Unit Scheme

Schematic of the separate circuitry for controlling the fast and slow Z-motion

Fig. 2 Schematic of the separate circuitry for controlling the fast and slow Z-motion of the tip. Note that the Fast branch of the loop has does not have an integrator slowing down its operation, instead it simply has a low pass filter to keep the signal clean. Not having an integrator means that, without receiving feedback from the Slow branch (a conventional STM's circuitry), the Fast branch could only respond to instantaneous changes in surface topography.

Illustration of how the Slow and Fast branches of the Z control loop work in concert

Fig. 3 Illustration of how the Slow and Fast branches of the Z control loop work in concert to reconstruct a complete image of the scanned surface. The Fast branch has been optimized to provide a quick response to the rapidly varying topography over which the tip scans. Meanwhile the Slow branch, with its sluggish (conventional) response, follows to handle the large scale elevation changes. Together they give an accurate picture of both large and small scale features on the scanned surface.

In the Dual scan unit scheme, we have a slow branch which is optimized for slow, low noise response with high gain. This is the piezo and circuitry that respond to our scanning on one plane or the terrace above. This leaves it to the fast branch to provide the high frequency response as the tip scans across, say, a single atom feature. By so splitting the task, we can optimize the design of both loops for their respective tasks.


Prototype High Speed STM in Air

Prototype tip and piezo arrangement

Fig. 4 Prototype tip and piazo arrangement. In this version of the High Speed STM the Slow and Fast Z piazos are on opposite sides of the sample and tip. Fig. 5 shows the arrangement for the UHV Hot version.

The first step in developing our high speed UHV STM was putting together a prototype system for operation in air. With this we were able to test the dual scan scheme’s gains in speed and the mechanical design’s control of undesirable resonant behavior. Here we also tested a high speed amplifier design that was developed by B. Michel et al, Ultramicroscopy 42-44 (1992).

The system tested well. We were able to take atomic resolution images with tip speeds up to 1,000,000 Å/s and a frame rate of 15Hz; though, at these extreme speeds, some image resolution was sacrificed. Featured in these movies is a (111) plane on a ball of Au. Gold made a particularly good subject for study in air because it is relatively non-reactive, and single-atomic height terraces are formed when a tip of gold wire is melted and allowed to cool naturally into a single crystal ball.

UHV High Speed STM

UHV Hot tip and piazo arrangement

Fig. 5 UHV Hot tip and piazo arrangement. In this version of the High Speed STM the Slow and Fast Z piazos are on the same side of the sample and tip. This allows for sample heating without inducing a state transition in the Slow Z Stack piazos. Fig. 4 shows the arrangement for the Prototype version.

Though the prototype system performed exceptionally well in air and proved that the high speeds are achievable, a few modifications had to be made to allow for UHV and hot sample operation. The high speed amplifier has to be made vacuum worthy or replaced, since the closer the amplifier is to the tip the better, and that means the amplifier should be in the vacuum chamber. Also the piezo stack beneath the sample (that which is responsible for slow Z response) has to be moved to join the other piezos behind the tip. This is because the sample will often be at temperatures above the curie point of the piezo, and so a piezo in thermal contact with the sample is unacceptable. With these design modifications, some speed has been sacrificed in order to maintain the atomic resolution as is present in Fig. 1.

Fig. 5 Taken from a 200 Å × 200 Å image of a defect ridden Si(001) - 2×1 reconstructed surface Acquired at 20,000 Å/sec.

With more moderate tip velocities of around 20,000 Å/sec., the Fast STM is displays resolution that rivals that of a conventional machine running at about 1/10th the speed.



This work has been supported by NSF grants DMR 950637 and DMR 9300729

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Hot STM Labs

Copyright 1996 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. All rights reserved.