Hot STM Labs


Scanning Tunneling Microscope Studies of Boron-Doped Si(001), JVST A. 17, 1670, (1999).

J.-F. Nielsen, H. -J. Im, and J. P. Pelz
M. Krueger, B. Borovsky, and E. Ganz

We have used scanning tunneling microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy to characterize B/Si(001) surface structures and the dependence of their density and location on high-temperature annealing. While annealing of heavily B-doped Si(001) surfaces is known to result in periodic SB step "fingers" whose density depends strongly on temperature, we have found that, on the time scale of formation of the step fingers, the atomic-scale properties of these surfaces are not altered significantly by high-temperature processing. B structures were found to decorate SA step edges. Hot STM was used to study the dynamics of finger formation and the interaction between atomic-scale B/Si(001) structures and fluctuating dimer rows.

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Hot STM Labs
The Pelz Group at Ohio State
Abstracts of published work

Copyright 1999 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota