Patricia M. Heller

Associate Professor Department of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455


Ph.D. Science Education, University of Michigan, 1977
M.S. Physics, University of Washington, 1969
B.S. Physics (chemistry minor), University of Washington, 1966

Teaching Experience

1986 - Present Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Minnesota -- developed and taught an integrated physical science and science methods course for preservice and inservice elementary and secondary school teachers

1982 - 1985 Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota -- developed and taught physics courses for junior high and high school physics teachers

1979 - 1982 Lecturer, College of Education, University of Minnesota -- developed and taught science methods courses for preservice and inservice elementary and junior high school teachers

1974 - 1975 Science Teacher (grades 2-7), Dixon Elementary School, Detroit, Michigan

1973 - 1976 Instructor, Physics Department, University of Michigan-- developed and taught a one semester physics course for preservice and inservice elementary school teachers

1969 - 1973 Instructor, Physics Department, University of Washington -- assisted in the development and instruction of a two-year physical science course for preservice elementary school teachers (with A. Arons)

Other Experience

1995 - 1996 Co-principal Investigator with Fred Goldberg and Gayle Kirwan, NSF Grant "Using Computer Technology to Develop Constructivist-Oriented Classroom Environments, subcontract with San Diego State University.

1993 - 1996 Co-principal Investigator with Ken Heller, DOE Fund for the Improve-ment of Post-secondary Education Grant, "Breaking the Circle: A Teaching Apprentice-ship Program for Physics Graduate Students," School of Physics and Astronomy and Depart. of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota.

1988 - 1990 Co-principal Investigator with Fred Finley, NSF Grant "Model for Improving the Preservice and Inservice Science Education of Elementary Teachers," College of Education, University of Minnesota.

1985 - 1986 Project Director, High School Chemistry Course for the PLATO/WICAT Computer System, WICAT Systems, Education Division, Provo, Utah.

1984 - 1985 Senior Project Associate, NSF Grant "The Role of Rational Number Concepts in the Development of Proportional Reasoning Skills," (Project Director, T. Post), College of Education, University of Minnesota.

1983 - 1984 Principal Investigator, Minnesota Survey of Science Education, Minnesota State Department of Education.

1982 - 1984 Co-Author with Andrew Ahlgren, Practical Data Analysis with SPSS, twelve videotapes published and distributed by the University of Minnesota and Deltak, Inc., 1984.

1980 - 1982 Senior Project Associate, NSF Grant "Out-of-School Science for Middle School Children and Their Parents," (Project Director, E. Gennaro) College of Education, University of Minnesota.

Selected Publications

Huffman, D & Heller, P. (1995). What Does the Force Concept Inventory Actually Measure? The Physics Teacher, 33, 138-143.

Finley, F., Lawrenz, F., & Heller, P. (1992), Review of research in science education, Science Education, 76(3), entire journal.

Heller, P. & Finley, F. (1992). Variable uses of alternative conceptions: A case study in current electricity, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(3), 259-275 Heller, P., Keith, R. & Anderson, S. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 1: Group versus individual problem solving, American Journal of Physics, 60(7), 627-636.

Heller, P. & Hollabaugh, M. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups, American Journal of Physics, 60(7), 637-644. Scott, L. & Heller, P. (1991). Team work works! Strategies for integrating women and minorities into the physical sciences, The Science Teacher, 58(1): 24-28.

Heller, P., Post, T., Behr, M., & Lesh, R. (1990). Qualitative and numerical reasoning about fractions and rates by seventh- and eighth-grade students, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 21(5): 388-402.

Heller, P., Ahlgren, A., Post, T., Behr, M. and Lesh, R. (1989). Proportional reasoning: The effect of two context variables, rate type and problem setting, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(3): 205-220.

Lippert, R., Heller, P., Jones, R. and Hobbie, R., (1988). An evaluation of classroom teaching practices one year after a workshop for high school physics teachers, American Journal of Physics, 56(6): 505 -509.

Heller, P., Hobbie, R., and Jones R. (1986). A summer program for high school physics teachers, American Journal of Physics, 54(12): 1074 - 1079.

Collaborators (within last 48 months) not listed above:

Jim Minstrell, Sharon Bendall, Joe Faletti, Bob Morse, Jennifer Hickman, Paul Hickman, Karen Olson, Linda Scott.

Advisees: (PhD)

Tom Foster, Jennifer Blue, Mark Hollabaugh, Ron Keith, Dave Targon, Renate Lippert.